

We explain our latest business results and business forecasts.
For details, please refer to Consolidated Financial Results (Japanese Accounting Standards) for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2023(PDF:397KB)






売上高 営業利益 経常利益 親会社株主に帰属する
2023年12月期 322,122 13,372 12,880 9,737
伸長率(%) 2.0 94.8 62.9 4.6
2022年12月期 315,927 6,865 7,906 9,308





第三の方針である「持続的成長に向けた経営資源の価値向上」については、間接部門でのコスト構造を変革するための機構改革を実施し、業務の棚卸しと整理による効率化を図るとともに、成長領域への人材シフトを図ったほか、資本コストや株価を意識した経営の実現に向け、資本効率性を向上させるため政策保有株式を縮減し、運転資金の管理も強化しました。ESGについては専任部署を設けて当企業グループのサステナビリティビジョン「TSV2050/2030(現 asv2050/2030)」を推進し、海外拠点を含めたCO2削減のロードマップの策定を進めました。また、人権に関する基本的な考え方及び方針を整理統合した「東洋インキグループ人権方針(現 人権尊重に関する基本方針)」を制定したほか、ガバナンス面では女性取締役を2名から3名へと増員するなど、多様な人材が活躍する職場の整備を進めました。DXに関しても、技術開発におけるマテリアルインフォマティクスの実践展開や、各種業務の効率化と付加価値向上につながる施策を進めるとともに、近年高まるサイバーリスクに対するセキュリティ対策の体制整備などを実施しました。


During the consolidated fiscal year under review, the global economy recovered modestly, bolstered by government policies amid an improvement in the employment and income situation. Nonetheless, the outlook remains uncertain, mainly reflecting higher prices, the conflict in the Middle East, and fluctuations in the financial and capital markets.

Amid this business environment, the Group operated its business activities in line with the following three management policies. Regarding the first policy of strengthen the profitability of its businesses, products including materials for LCD color filters, the market for which came to a temporary standstill, adhesives and pressure sensitive adhesives for electronics, and functional films were weak in terms of profit. In contrast, progress was made in local production of materials for color filters in China. Meanwhile, sales of gravure inks and adhesives and pressure sensitive adhesives, the equipment for which was enhanced mainly in India and Southeast Asia, saw growth with the launch of products tailored to local market needs. In addition, the Group acquired a can coating manufacturer in Thailand and took other steps to acquire cost competitiveness in the global market and to reinforce the foundations for overseas expansion. In the Printing and Information Related Business, the Group executed business structural reforms, including streamlining through the elimination and consolidation of sales bases in response to the shrinking of the information-related printing market of Japan, as well as forming a production alliance. The Group also advanced initiatives to shift to the paper container and packaging market with functional coatings and UV curable inks that help to reduce the volume of plastics. Further, in response to the rising raw materials and energy prices and surging logistics costs in recent years, the Group revised price while reducing costs by improving production efficiency and using alternative raw materials in each business, as part of its efforts to secure profits.

Under its second policy, creating and expanding priority development domains, the Group continued to implement business activities in the three priority domains below. In the field of Sustainability Science, the Group commenced construction of a new plant in Kentucky, the United States and took steps to build a structure with five bases in four regions (Europe, the United States, China, and Japan), aiming to expand the business of lithium-ion battery materials for automotive applications. The Group also expanded initiatives for biomass inks, water-based flexographic inks, masterbatches for recycling, and other environmentally friendly products. In the field of Communication Science, the Group constructed a new pilot plant for polymers in Japan for developing products for next-generation electronics and aggressively undertook marketing activities. In the field of Life Science, the Group invested in VLP Therapeutics, Inc. of the United States, which develops leading-edge vaccines to prevent infection, with a view to operating business in the medical field in the future. Construction of a new plant in Japan for patch-type pharmaceuticals made progress toward the commencement of operation in the next fiscal year.

For the third policy of enhancing the value of management resources for sustainable growth, the Group implemented structural reforms to change the cost structure in indirect departments, identified and organized operations to improve efficiency, and redeployed its human resources to growth domains. The Group also reduced cross-held shares to improve capital efficiency and enhanced the management of working capital, aiming to realize management with an awareness of capital cost and share prices. Regarding ESG, the Group advanced its sustainability vision, TSV2050/2030 (now renamed asv2050/2030) to create a roadmap of CO2 reduction that includes overseas facilities. The Group also established the Toyo Ink Group Human Rights Policy (now renamed Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights), which organizes and integrates its basic views and policies on human rights. In terms of governance, the Group increased the number of female directors from two to three and took other steps to build a workplace where diverse human resources play active roles. With regard to DX, the Group pursued initiatives such as developing practice applications for material informatics in technology development, adopting measures leading to higher efficiency and higher added value of various operations, and establishing a system for security measures for addressing cyber risk, which has been growing in recent years.

As a result, net sales for the fiscal year under review rose to 322,122 million yen (up 2.0% year on year). Operating profit stood at 13,372 million yen (up 94.8% year on year) and ordinary profit came to 12,880 million yen (up 62.9% year on year). Profit attributable to owners of parent was 9,737 million yen (up 4.6% year on year)





売上高 営業利益 経常利益 親会社株主に
2024年12月期(予想) 340,000 14,500 13,500 10,000
2023年12月期Term ended December 2023 322,122 13,372 12,880 9,737
伸長率(%)  5.6 8.4 4.8 2.7


(注) 上記予想は、本資料発表日現在において入手可能な情報を基にしており、実際の業績は今後様々な要因によ って予想数値と異なる場合があります。

While the economy is expected to continue a moderate recovery during the next fiscal year, there are also risks of a downturn, for instance with the impact of a global credit crunch and concerns over the future of the Chinese economy. The Group also expects to face a harsh environment with challenges such as the consumer spending associated with rising prices as well as the conflict in the Middle East and other geopolitical risks. Notwithstanding this, the Group forecasts net sales of 340,000 million yen (growth rate of 5.6%), operating profit of 14,500 million yen (growth rate of 8.4%), ordinary profit of 13,500 million yen (growth rate of 4.8%), and profit attributable to owners of parent of 10,000 million yen (growth rate of 2.7%) as a result of taking measures to the issues.

Note: The above forecasts are based on the information available on the date this material is released. Actual results could differ materially from these forecasts due to various factors in the future.